The [Silver Discussion] Sticky. Come shoot the shit and discuss the bad economics. - 10 November 2016

The people want protectionism, welfare, healthcare, anti immigration.

A large number believe in state owned and run infrastructure. Do not sell our assets or our land .

We want government to consider our grandchildren and us. We want the profits from our gas etc. In SA our government thinks so little of us their vision for the state is to become a garbage dump!!! They can let all the family reunion in, and all the boat people. It is the people coming to Australia for jobs that cause real resentment. Not the individuals, just the sheer number.

IF our unemployment was easy to get and generous it would not matter as much, but it is not, and it matters. A LOT.

Allowing companies to off shore telephone jobs etc? Why does this not attract life imprisonment? Why are such companies, including governments, allowed to remain operating in Australia at all? How can our government care so little for our youth that they actually give tax concessions to these people who wish to benefit from us without contributing anything?

And new Australians dont get proper citizenship. If they displease government they are gone. this unfair. Once they are here they are us. If we keep down this path of us and them and the new us do not belong it is dangerous. Our forebears had family immigration for good reasons.

But governments that openly support internationals and the super wealthy are absolutely sickening. Revolting. Destroying our environment, killing our wildlife, wrecking our communities and removing our councils if they oppose international domination. F*king us over like Robb did, over and over. Not the odd corrupt politicians. Almost all of them at the trough and not giving damn about future generations.

Selling all our assets and rooting future generations for temporary money -not to build a useful war machine like Hitler did when he sold off German assets- but just to pay directly to global corps. It is beyond sickening.

There is no bloody left. It was labor who removed parenting payment. Traitors to the working class. The fawning servants of globals, champions of child poverty. Betrayers of workers. In support of profit for globals and other countries and the super wealthy and sod us. Well Sod them all.

We need to talk about this. About how immigration is great and we support it, but immigration for jobs should not happen at all. the idea of this horrible free trade is some countires are better at some things than others. If australia isnt able to do some things, so be it. We will have to get by without teachers and hair dressers and IT until we train our own.

Welcome to the wonderful world of r/australia

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