Simone Biles is a con artist.

I am very confident about my opinion about Biles, it is just not something I care to argue about. What I do care about is your misinterpretation of evolution and survival of the fittest

1-3. You are right, this isn't a dissection of Darwinian theory. I'm explaining to you why I think your analogy of competition and evolution makes little sense. 4. Same point here as the analogy is very weak because the most 'fit' traits during evolution are always different since they rely on defining an environment.

The whole point of using evolution in an analogy is lost in the way you are using it. Yes, I am aware I am being pedantic, but I also stated at the beginning that it is the only part of your argument that I am interested in.

I don't know why you insist on trying to insult me or downvote me. You posted on a sub about opinions. If you don't care about my response to your post, then feel free to move on and ignore me.

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