Simone Biles should be praised, not punished for achieving a feat that was deemed impossible

So professional athletes are not mature enough to measure risk/reward on their own. Mommy and daddy athletics boards have decided to let them know what’s too dangerous for them. I don’t care how long this has been going on. It’s a ridiculous concept to begin with to stifle a persons demonstration of talent and ability in the name of preventing people who cannot demonstrate talent in a matching capacity from attempting to do so. And why does color have to come into everything, whether you were born with the talent, earned it through hard work, etc it should be celebrated regardless of anything else. It is an awesome thing for the human race to constantly and consciously challenge and test the physical limits of our species through training and competition... right up until someone comes up with a really underhanded way to cut our collective legs off in the name of fairness and safety.

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