Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 8.11

how did you find your suitable champ? i'm a midlane main and reached d5 (almost d4) twice a few seasons ago with velkoz/annie/volibear. took a break, played some of this some of that, reached plat1 in october 2017 again and then it just went down. right now im hardstuck p5 with 2/18 ranked w/l and 12 losses in a row at its worst. i'm p5 and my mmr is somewhere at gold 4. i have no idea how to fix this. velkoz doesnt feel that rewarding, even if i crush champs like fizz and lb with 4/0 they just oneshot me at some point. i switched to vlad and it feels like he's broken af but i'm just not able to carry. is that a champion problem or a mental/skill problem? opgg if ure curious/for further advices:

ty in advance!

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