Simple Questions Simple Answers: Week-49

Decided to main Yasuo and have some questions (I'm level 23 unranked, been playing a few months!). I main mid lane but play him top when that role gets filled. I have no replays to show right now but just some questions;

  • How do I trade effectively as Yasuo in lane? A usual trade for me involves E-ing through a minion, AAing the enemy champ and then E-ing back through another minion. Sometimes I win the trade but sometimes I get hit hard for it. Is there a way to do this without taking too much creep aggro? Sometimes with a fully charged Q I will E-Q the champ, AA them during the knockup, and then E back. This seems to be working the best for me but at times it seems like I take a lot of damage during the trade? I guess I'm messing something up

  • I have no team fight presence, like at all. I notice this is a weakness in my game. My laning phase is actually quite decent, I CS quite well and can hold my own. Once I get my Shiv + Cloak (working towards IE) I hit a power spike and can start to pick up kills in 1v1 situations, or when I catch someone off guard. But when a team fight or skirmish breaks out, I'm too afraid to do anything. I sit on the outside of the fight trying to pick people off with my Q/shiv procs. I feel way too squishy to run in to the midst of a big fight, I don't want to feed and I don't want to get rekt by CC and hurt my team so I stay back and very little. I feel powerless without a fully stocked Q, I have no idea what to do when team fighting. Tips?

  • I have no idea how to use his ult properly in team engagements. When a teamfight occurs, I'm sitting on the edge and waiting for a knockup. Once I see it, I just instantly press R, do some damage, and then I land smack in the middle of a fight and I'm dead in 2 seconds. Any tips on how to use his Ult more effectively in team engagements?

  • On a related side note, what's Yasuo's ult combo in a 1v1? Right now, with a fully stocked Q, I will do; E-Q(knockup), ult, Q, AA and then hope they're dead. If they don't die I usually just get rekt afterwards

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