Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 7.7

How to deal with Shen's map pressure / map presence?

So I go Riven (or any other lane dominant champion for that matter); I do what I am expected to do which is, pressure Shen early, get a minion advantage, kill him if possible, don't die to ganks and get out of lane to ward o pressure mid if possible.

So we both hit level 6 and not the fun starts, I already have a marginal advantage over him, I've won my lane so I look to tp bot or roam mid. Every time that I roam he matches my roam with his own ultimate. Most of the times (because of the changes to him ultimate and how it works with missing health now) I don't get to kill the laner or blow a mayor summoner.

If I roamed mid, I still have my tp up, so the problem in not that big, I back to base and tp to lane is absolutely necessary or save my tp to match Shen's tp (given his ultimate is on cooldown).

The real problem arises when Shen gets his second item which is usually ZZ'rot portal, now he has permanent pressure top, has double global pressure on the map, and normally deny my roams using his ultimate to save his allies. After I tp to help my team he ultimates and the tp's back to lane to keep putting pressure, the lane is normally pushed to his favor because of ZZrot.

Assuming I win lane and my other lanes are even, how do I increase my advantage or put pressure in other lanes without having to contest with Shen.

Split pushing has been extremely ineffective, even with hydra my wave clear is pale in comparison to ZZrot portal stupid pushing power. In addition if I stay on top lane and wait for Shen to tp bot, get something and then tp back top. I do have a 2 minute window where I can help my team but still the pressure he puts on top lane with Sunfire+ZZ is too big to handle.

Please help

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