Simple way to improve general skill level of playerbase

Hell, there's hundreds of good tips I'd like to see, ranging from mechanical to basic strategies;

Monster Mechanics Tips

Monster Tip: Downing a player gives them a strike against thier health, fighting a strong team without strikes can be suicide, even at stage 3
Monster Tip: If you want to find cloaked players, use your smell, thier footprints will show up in red
Monster Tip: Downing the trapper drops the Dome, rather than trying not to fight, try to kill the trapper to escape
Monster Tip: When fighting lazarus, eating a hunters body prevents resurrection with the lazarus device
Monster Tip: Wildlife takes a long time to respawn, feed too much in one area and you could find yourself running low on food
Monster Tip: If you eat in caves carrion birds will not spawn
Monster Tip: How desperate are you? Evolving gives you health immediately, if you are seconds from death and a dome is about to run out, get some distance and try evolving mid battle for a boost of health, be careful you will be vulnerable for some time even with your increased health.
Behemoth Tip: Tongue Grab will kill pull food to you, using this to drag food into a cave will prevent carrion birds from spawning
Behemoth Tip: Tongue Grab will pull hunters corpses to you, use this and rock wall to freely finish hunters and eat them
Wraith Tip: Using Supernova before Decoy will give your decoy the Supernova Ability
Wraith Tip: Decoy will end Harpoons and will make all tracking skills appear on it for it's duration.
Kraken Tip: The first melee attack you do is a heavy melee attack, it does more damage than a ranged attack, it also knocks people flying, use it occasionally.
Kraken Tip: You can land while using aftershock, use this to divebomb your enemies

Monster Strategy Tips

Monster Tip: Try to fight hunters at Stage 2. By Stage 3 they may retreat to the relay, at Stage 2 you can pick where to fight.
Monster Tip: Try to start fights in caves, this often lets you hit more than one hunter with each attack
Monster Tip: Kill some wildlife before you evolve, this lets you feed straight after
Monster Tip: Ready to Evolve? Maybe Pick a fight, evolving after a tough fight ensures you dont waste your armor
Monster Tip: Enemy team using Maggie, kill Daisy, without her they have no way to track you.
Kraken Tip: Banshee Mines are your best DPS, use them after a player has dodged a lightning strike, OR use them to make players waste jetpack before a lightning strike
Goliath Tip: Rock Throw is the hardest hitting skill in the game, using it to start an ambush is a great idea.
Wraith Tip: Abduction is very useful early on, it makes feeding easy and potentially lets you pick off a hunter before stage 2

Hunter Mechanics Tips

Hunter Tip: Remember, after evolving the monster has no armor, if the monster eludes you try to save your dome for this.
Hunter Tip: Shooting the monster interrupts its attacks on the relay, if your the last one alive don't go too far away, you could buy your team valuable time to get back into the fight.
Hunter Tip: Double tapping dodge without pressing a direction dodges straight up, use this to dodge over the monster, or escape up cliffs quickly.
Hunter Tip: Use the minimap to see more accurately where birds and pings are located.
Hunter Tip: Everyone but the trapper can use thier class abilities when tackled or downed. Assault, personal shield prevents health dropping while downed, making it very easy for the medic to revive you from afar
Hunter Tip: If playing with Cabot and Hank, be mindful that crop dust and orbital barrage cannot work in caves.
Hunter Tip: Don't shoot the monster while chasing it, you give it back stamina and reveal your location. Unless it has no Armor, then fire away.
Hank Tip: The Shield beam continues to operate even when it has no energy left, make sure to turn it off to recharge occasionaly
Sunny Tip: The monster can see your shield drone on the minimap, don't place it when you are trying to be sneaky
Lazarus Tip: You do not need to wait for a player to die before using the Lazarus device on them
Slim Tip: The Stink Bomb will prevent monsters from seeign the health bars and outlines of hunters, this makes it very hard to spot them in low light situations
Slim Tip: Your Heal bug will stop healing a player under attack, and must be redeployed.
Torvald Tip: Aim Straight up to land Mortars at your feet
Maggie Tip: If Daisy howls at you, you are running the wrong way.
Maggie Tip: If Daisy starts sniffing the ground she is following a sneaking monsters tracks
Abe Tip: Wildlife does not despawn, keep tagging wildlife, eventually the monster will be unable to feed safely
Crow Tip: Gobbi not finding anything? Make sure there's no terrain in his way.

Hunter Strategy Tips

Hunter Tip: Avoid fighting in Caves and Canyons, these favour monsters drastically
Hunter Tip: If playing with Markov, when being chased by the monster lead it into markov's Mines.
Hunter Tip: If playing with Sunny/Val/Hank remember to stay within line of sight.
Hunter Tip: Pay attention to wildlife buffs, don't let a wounded monster grab a tyrant buff and undo all your hard work, similarly, don't let the monster sneak back and grab a good buff you just got.
Hunter Tip: Remember, even a stage 3 monster has to feed before it gets armor back, chasing it could make the final fight easier.
Hunter Tip: Don't burn all your jetpack fuel in one jump, often tapping it at the arc of your jump will let you traverse greater distance.
Hunter Tip: To fight Albino's safely, make sure you start the fight from the top of a cliff
Hunter Tip: Watch out for the behemoths lava bomb, the fire deals a lot of damage over time if you even touch it
Bucket Tip: Place a turret next to you when using the UAV, this will stop wildlife hitting you and prevent a crafty monster sneak attacking you.
Bucket Tip: During UAV, remember to use the minimap, it will show you startled birds or ally pings.
Hank Tip: Orbital Bombardment is a great tool for preventing monsters killing a downed player
Sunny Tip: Try to place the Shield Drone on high ledges, this keeps it safe and able to see the battlefield
Griffin Tip: To prevent a monster sneaking past birds, or destroying your sensor without detection, place the sensor in the middle of the birds
Abe Tip: Remember to re-tag the monster just before a dome drops
Lazarus Tip: Save your cloak to escape, you don't always need it to reach the body
Val Tip: Attempt to get up high in fights, the heal beam has a very long range.
Slim Tip: if you cannot shoot the monster, shoot wildlife to recharge your healburst faster
Torvald Tip: Shrapnel grenades do negligible damage, do not spam them
Markov Tip: Your assault rifle damage is excellent, use it whenever the monster is a long way away. Or when it is too close to lock on with lightning gun

/r/EvolveGame Thread