The Simplest and Most Perfect Explanation of Privilege I’ve Ever Seen

You see the problem is rarely people aren't as strong and as healthy, its generally luck, and a combination of opportunities other people don't get because of their background. Of course greed factors in as well. People who can sleep better doing unethical things tend to do better than those who cannot.

The solution is to make sure everyone has a fair shot, i.e. the right amount of training, gets proper nutrition, a good childhood.

All children growing up eventually have to piggy back off someone else sometime. Its not fair to let certain children have an advantage, and its furthermore dishonest to say they are less capable because they didn't have the same opportunity.

So the argument is somewhat disingenuous. The concept of the extreme individual does not exist.

Sure we can celebrate the success of those who do truley earn it, but even today you can point to so many "success" stories that are unearned. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs spring to mind. There biggest successes come from being liars and thieves, and off the hard work of others, not their own. That is what society celebrates. Just about all of the things they "done" where things other people working for them did, didn't get credit for, and but they took the credit.

Jobs got to be who he is by being in the right place at the right time. Gates made most of his money through one fortunate deal with IBM, and then used the profits to establish a monopoly protected by law suits, threats, and spreading rumors and disinformation.

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