Since we have 13 days left until the anniversary of Everybody I was wondering how you feel about the album? Do you like it or did it disappoint?

This might get personal but.. This album dropped in one of the most difficult times of my life... I vividly remember the night 1-800 dropped I couldn't wait to get off work and ran to my car because I just knew I needed this moment.

I got in my car turned my the song on full volume and just drove home. By the time I was on the freeway my eyes were full of tears. I realized right then and there I couldn't take it anymore. I was breaking down. I was scared, stressed, lonely, you name it. But this song even tho i knew it was a little cheesy from the start I think I even chuckled through the tears the first time i heard "who can relate!?"

When the full album dropped I was ready man. And not gonna lie I think it did resonate with me alot. With what I was going through even if our storys are tragically different It helped me see things differently.. I even went to see him on tour for the first time (and only time.. so far??) I talked about that show in a comment on another thread recently. To sum it up I will never forget looking around in the crowd and seeing i wasn't the only crying my eyes out to 1800

However... I just can't go back to that song.. or even the album?

Why? I think.. Its because I just feel a better now. I've moved on. This album eased that process and kind of got left behind with all that was bothering me back then.

No matter what happens tho I will always appreciate this man and his work. Sometimes we just need a little push to cry, and not just cry but think to eventually feel better.

/r/Logic_301 Thread Link -