Since Halloween is right around the corner, what are some scary, unexplained phenomena that you’ve experienced?

Context: My great-grandmother (who died when I was a toddler) was eerily accurate at predicting pregnancies, deaths, and the genders of unborn babies. She had strange, vivid dreams. They seem to run in the family. When I was 13, I woke up around 5 AM convinced that something had happened to my great-grandfather who lived across the state. He had passed away around the same time.

Last weekend, I dreamed about my maternal grandfather who died from pancreatic cancer when I was 4. His face was replaced by a skull and he chased me around my grandmother's house. I ran everywhere in the house except her bedroom where I knew she'd be. The hallway leading to her bedroom felt wrong, so I avoided it. He stopped chasing me at some point and disappeared, but I kept running.

The next morning I texted my mom. We live 4 hours apart. She had a dream about my grandfather as well, except she was chasing him and calling his name. He kept running away from her, and she never caught up.

She mentioned it to my grandmother, and it turns out that she had a dream about my grandfather that night as well. Except in her dream, he was sitting on the edge of her bed, comforting her and telling her that everything would be alright.

I double-checked, but there was nothing special about that day that would have made us think about him. He passed away in the '90s. Weirdest thing that's happened to me in awhile. I call my grandmother more often now just in case.

/r/AskReddit Thread