Since a hero has been added every 2 town hall levels.. what are your th15 hero predictions?

I wish I saw this post earlier since now this comment will just get buried but anyway:

We need an air tank hero, like the flying version of barbarian king. We haven't had a melee attack hero since the bk and I think this one would be perfect. An air tank hero would completely change the dynamics of air attacks, especially lavaloon.

The hero should have a button, like that of the grand warden to switch between air and ground, and this button will be to make it /target/ a specific building, like no matter where it is deployed and where the building is, it'll travel across the base (in the process triggering air traps) and go to the target and start hitting it. After said target is destroyed, the hero will just start attacking the nearest building.

The hero's ability should be it's exoskeleton. This exoskeleton should allow it to soak up large amounts of damage, and when the ability is triggered, then the exoskeleton should be dropped and it should deal area damage right underneath where it's flying. After that, the hero sitting inside the exoskeleton emerges, with full healthbar but much less hitpoints, more dps and faster attack speed, and faster movement because the heavy exoskeleton has been dropped.

/r/ClashOfClans Thread Link -