Since its a hot topic, have any of you had a run in with an incel or "good guy"? What happened?

There was this guy in college...he's not an incel, but probably a red piller before that was a thing.

He dated this girl for awhile, and they broke up. He was trying to get me to go out with him, explaining how this girl was the sort of person that made a good wife but was uninteresting. And how I had all those good wife qualities, but also liked things he liked. Which was obviously superior and so he had to have me.

I will note that the qualities he liked were that he saw us as women who would probably be submissive 50s housewives.

This, for some reason, did not win me over. I continued to sort of be friends (he was in a class of mine at the time, so I didn't totally shut him out), but not really and he stopped bothering me about anything personal for awhile so I assumed it had passed.

A bit later, he started dating a friend of mine. Not a really close friend, but while he was with her, he started back up trying to get me. While dating that girl. And again going on about how my friend wasn't a "good Catholic" like she claimed, how he still thought I was the optimal wife for him, but how he was thinking of getting back together with his old girlfriend because at least she would be a good wife even if she wasn't perfect.

I will also mention that at this point I had a boyfriend, which I told him repeatedly but he would just send me messages insisting he would be the better partner and telling me about his job and how our personalities would match perfectly. I stopped responding to him, but he would literally call and text my phone multiple times in an evening. I never once answered or responded once that started.

He finally stopped when my boyfriend's friend was there when he called once and decided to mess with him. Stopped bothering me after that.

He did eventually get back together with the first girl, and they are married and have a child. He invited me to the wedding.

...I did not attend.

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