Since we have the Kirkland Google Campus here, I thought it would be relevant to share this "Manifesto" that circulated internally.

Bullshit. If you are going to say "Women on average are more prone to anxiety. Make tech and leadership less stressful. Google already partly does this with its many stress reduction courses and benefits. Women on average look for more work-life balance while men have a higher drive for status on average" is statistics instead of a result of inherent sexism in a society, then you are as much of the problem as he is.

Women are diagnosed with anxiety because doctors do not listen to their medical concerns.

Men, even in dual income familes, take far less of the responsibility of the home. Women don't seek out work/home balence--they are handed the reins and told handle this (especially the "mental load" of work)

The assumptions this probably two-bit red-pill engineer makes throughout this diatribe can be refuted over and over. Do not mistake your own agreement because it speaks to your feelings as actual statistics or facts.

/r/Seattle Thread Parent