Since we have so many close range maps, can you reduce the zoom on snipers back to what they were in D1? It feels like I have a telescope attached to my sniper

Borealis has godly aim assist too, along side a pretty fast zoom speed, a good scope and really high damage.

But again if you're good at sniping and hitting your shots, you shouldn't need to crutch on aim assist, and you still have no reason to gimp your damage.

Honestly, I feel having too much aim assist hurts my sniping performance anyway. If I'm aiming at someone and another enemy runs across my scope in front of my target, I'm suddenly fighting against my own gun to stay on my original target, which is a big "fuck you" wrench in the whole sniping machine, and has caused me to waste too many bullets to count--especially back while snipers were still heavy weapons.

I'm not arguing that high ROF snipers are useless, I'm just saying that to me personally, as a pretty decent sniper I have 0 incentive to use them over a higher damaging one in a competitive sense.

To preface that gameplay I provided, before festival of the lost I took like a week long reprieve, my shot was a little rusty (which is evident throughout the video, and the video itself was to mostly show off Hard Light), and I don't actually expect you you watch that whole game, but there are a few points throughout it where my Dreaded Venture came in clutch.

TL;DR: To each their own I guess.

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