Since when is it ok to assume you can bring your dog into peoples houses?

Dudette, dogs can go almost anywhere you can imagine:

  • Bars and restaurants: even include a menu and service for dogs with desserts and cold drinks
  • Malls, Retail and department stores: to buy fancy clothes from Gucci and "Dog Scent No. 2" from Chanel
  • Banks: you know dogs have a complex and sofisticated financial life, right?!?
  • Book stores and libraries: dogs literaly devour every book they can get
  • Art galleries and movie theathers: dogs love art and have a very sophisticated taste; their all time favorive is "A Friend in Need" by C. M. Coolidge
  • Plus grocery stores, airport and public transportation (including travelling in the cabin), hotels, beaches, lakes and pools, to name a few.

So what the hell such an honorific human being, a true gentleman to be fair, can't visit your house, lick your baby's face, poop on your rug, and bark frantically in your ears?!?

/r/Dogfree Thread