A sincere question to GGG: Don't you find it problematic when one of your most well received league in terms of hype is dead in the water within 3 weeks?

I mean I killed Maven for the first time this league on a CF Glad. With enough investment you can boss really comfortably, I kill Sirus last phase on A9 in 5-10 seconds or so. I don't even have a min maxed setup, my dps could probably be 20% higher, maybe more.

I don't get this thread really, with the defence rework it's easy to be almost unkillable in maps, and with top tier itemisation damage can be comfortably pushed on almost any build. Not to mention tainted currency loeering the barrier to entry for all builds by making 6L uniques essentially free and off colouring stuff much easier.

As for lack of chase builds I mean... armour stacking, Squire builds, Int stackers, there are loads of options around it's just a case of people adapting slowly to a big meta shift. It feels like this subreddit exists just to complain and its frustrating to read.

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