Sincere Question: Is it possible, theoretically speaking, for Pope Francis to be inspired (unbeknownst to him) by the Spirit of Antichrist?

Clinical mental-health? I do not appreciate your unwarranted, disrespectful remark. I retort to you that you lack logical skill, apparently, if these are the only two possible scenarios you can thimk of as reasonable. Perhaps I am indeed in the "right Church" and a large proportion of its diocesan clergy are negligeant of their duties as clerics. How about that as an option? Why would I want to entrust my soul to any man who cracks jokes throughout Mass, ad libs Eucharistic Prayers, is overweight from too many donuts and too many weekly hours in front of the TV, and who never, EVER speaks of the black and white Hard Truths of the Catholic Faith in his homilies, and who finds no problem with Feminism and other Post Modern ideologies?

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