The single implied gay kiss in a children's film starterpack

I feel as though this is gonna start an argument so please let’s have an unbiased adult conversation…

Why am I the “ A**hole “ because I don’t want my young child watching certain things because I feel as though that will persuade their young mind ?

What if I sat your young child down and put on documentaries on how blacks are an inferior race, they should all be exterminated, and the white race is superior and there is going to be a race war and whites will win due to their intellect ? I’m sure you wouldn’t want your young child watching that getting influenced correct ? What is the difference between me doing that and my children watching homosexual content on media ????

Please be respectful as we are both adults , and please don’t give a mundane response like “ well being racist is wrong and being gay someone is born that way “ …..

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