Single Men, what are your standards?

I'm married but want to post mine anways for comparison.

  • Height

I like short girls. 4'11 - 5'2 was pretty much all I dated. If she was outside of that range, she had to be exceptionally hot.

  • Income

I wasn't picky about this at all when I dated, however I really only went for women with degrees (so eventually they'd make money)

  • Race

No race preference but I do lean towards WoC, typically latina or asian

  • Body type

Hourglass or athletic

  • House/no house

Also, when I was dating I was not expecting a lot of wealth so house didn't matter.

  • Kids/ no kids

Absolutely would never date a woman with kids.

  • My stats

I'm 35, been with my wife for 12 years. White, 6', made about 90-120k (I did sales so it varied)

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