Single mom at 18

I'm worried I will never find a husband because I'm a single parents so young

Yes, your dating pool will certainly be restricted, however, it doesn't mean that you don't find anyone who will stay with you and love you.

my ex has damaged me quite a bit from abuse

Please see a counselor and work through that abuse. You're not an object that got "damaged".

All I see about single moms getting married is them finding someone when their 40 but I want to be married before 30 as I want more kids in the future and I know after 30 is risky

Risky after 30? The general age is 35 these days.... And even after that women have still perfectly healthy pregnancies. If you're concerned, talk to your gyno about it.

Furthermore, keep in mind that there are other options to have kids as well.

/r/relationships Thread