Singles' Night Discussion Thread

I'm meeting with an ex this weekend that I broke up with 5 months ago.

I'm torn, I really care about her. When we met up recently to talk about our issues (she initiated), we ended up talking for 5 hours and having a great time. Seeing her made me want to kiss her and hold her. She is very understanding and calm, and I love how we can talk about our issues together. She makes me feel relaxed and content. We laugh a lot.

We broke up because I felt we have different communication styles and express love differently. I'm more verbal and physical. I always wish she was more opiniated/shared her opinions with me without having to prompt her. But I also was going through some bad health issues and went through some really awful anxiety. I thought on some level she was contributing to these feelings (but maybe not). I've gotten a handle on myself more recently. But I worry it hasn't been enough time, that our issues won't change no matter how much we talk about them, and that perhaps seeing her is just easy and comfortable (is this bad?)

/r/relationship_advice Thread