Sir, please bring your vehicle to a complete stop.

I can relate, kinda. When I was 11 y/o or so I was waiting for soccer practice to start and kicking a ball around with some teammates close to a field where a game was going on. Some dad must have thought I was too close to the field because he ran over and punted my ball into outer space. A simple “can you guys go over there?” would have sufficed.

It was such a bizarre reaction that his face has been burned into my memory and since becoming an adult I have been dying for the chance to run into him and concoct a reason to kick his ass.

A few years ago I finally ran into him at a Best Buy not far from where the soccer fields were. I waited until he was leaving, followed him out, hopped in my car behind him, and cut him off at a stoplight. When the light turned green I just sat there while he honked and threw a temper tantrum behind me. I so badly wanted him to get out, but it wasn’t going to happen so I blew him a kiss and drove away. Petty as hell and not the outcome I wanted, but it still felt good.

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