Sitting the VCP550 exam on Monday. How long did you take to finish it?

You'll use every minute of those two hours unless you've cheated, one of the hardest exams ive taken but you have the advantage of being able to skip questions and review them unlike cisco exams. I failed it first time i took it its so

My advice would be

-Read up on VCOP's there are questions on it learn what badges/conditions cause issues there will be questions on it.

  • learn about storage vMotion/vMotion cold/hot cloning there will be loads of questions on this. Learn about raw/virtual/physical mapping there will be questions on it

  • learn about VMware products - if you have any questions about monitoring of the environment VCOPS will be a requirement,

  • Read up on alarms, whats alerts are sent when storage is lost. When HA loses resources, when DRS miagrations fail.

  • Learn what VMware are trying to push in the webclient, there are specific thinks that are locked into the webclient (VDP) that they will ask questions on. If VDP is mentioned, the webclient will be involved in some way. Also learn what you must use vsphere on

  • learn what standard switch vs distrubuted switches are - tip standard - egress traffic shapping - VLANS distrubuted - Private Vlans (PVLANS) - ingress traffic shapping learn how you deploy distributed switches and in what order i.e You create the distributed switches - then add your ESXi Hots

  • What traffic types you can enable in the web client,

  • What fault tolerance does, tip - you cant use fault tolerance to backup a vCenter instance there is a question on this i remember mulling it over a while. FT can be used on Hosts/VM's etc but not vcenter itself

  • How do you scan for new storage, what problems will occur tip - rescan for storage as first point of call, check the question if they say this has been done it will be an authentication issue in some way, if other luns are visible it will be an authentication thing (usually)

  • When you get a question look all over it, look at the name of windows see what the hostname is see what IP is connected you will get many questions such like

  • An administrator has connected to X host none of the objects in the vApp are visibile, if you look in tabs you will see your connected to the ESXi host the vApp resides on rather than vcenter itself.

  • Learn about storage policies, what supports them why would you use them and how would you apply it add alarms etc

  • Look at the networking questions closley and features such as IPadrresses/ VMnics etc -Tip these questions will have subtle faults such as having two vmnics connected to the same switch this is not possible, there will be questions like X machine cant get out to the internet. Check that the machine is powered on (check the icon) then check that the machine has a routable ip. If not it wont be able to get out to the net

  • Check what logs you need to check when things go wrong tip - general point of call is vmkernel.log on virtual machine errors this is the first to go answer 2nd tip - if they are talking about errors on the ESXi host itself 9/10 it will be to check the syslog log this can be done on the DCUI or by using the phat client directly connected to the host

  • DCUI - SHELL - SSH, lockdown mode how does it work tip - lots of questions on this stuff, for a host to be able to go into lockdown most it must a/ be connected to vCenter b/ have no removeable storage attached You can enable lockdown mode, and users who are logged in will still be able to run commands except to disable lockdown mode.

any of this stuff will need to be done via the DCUI (direct console user interface) remember that term you will get questions on it, google it and see what options are on it. General fix for most things is to restart the management network but there can be things like reattaching the vnics etc

  • How is Vcenter installed, tip - watch the CBTNuggets and if you can follow it on basically remember this Single sign on - Invetory service - Vcenter server Vcenter server is last every time, SSO first just etch that in your brain id be amazed if there isnt a question on this

  • Learn what auto deploy is, what you can do with it. Learn what update manager does tip - Update manager can update hosts and VMware tools

  • VMWare tools

  • basically any question where automated upgrades dont work, its a manual install. VMware tools needs to be installed for vApps to work

  • What do snapshots do, how are they mapped and how do you vMotion them

  • You would vMotion them with storage vMotion, if you want to move it with the snapshot attached you will just storage vMotion them and not touch the snapshot.

Look up VCOPs, ill mention it again because it caught me out the first time. there will be questions on it! tip - learn about health stores, whats time remaining/reclaimiable waste,Anomolies, Faults

  • Monitoring traffic
  • learn how you can monitor traffic on switch types, standard can only monitor traffic going out, distributed can do it going in. You would use netflow to monitor traffic on a distributed switch

  • Learn about exporting machines/Vapps tip - it differs vsphere vs web client. If you were to export a vApp in the vsphere client it would be an OVA.

  • learn about licensing

  • you get a 60 day trial with ESXi this is basically the enterprise plus edition, then it gets downgraded to the free edition

  • vcenter, once your licence goes you can still power on vm's

If you want any more tips let me know, this exam haunted me as the above may show lol. But yeah its a tough cookie if you dont pass it dont feel disheartened the stuff i learned on the course had little reflection on the exam.

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