Six Areas Where Even (Some) Feminists Admit Men Are Disadvantaged?

Should we be at least a little happy that some of them can see that men don't just have it all?

Some of them? Who do you think this ‘them’ are exactly?

The piece is tagged as Men’s Heath but was actually produced by the data editor, Mona Chalabi, whose Wikipedia entry states:

[Chalabi] sees the importance of data journalism in the fact that politicians cannot get away with false claims anymore.

So here she is carefully qualifying her report by saying that "It's difficult to deny that women suffer more than men as a result of their gender” she then offers the kind of data that cannot allow political activists to get away with making false claims anymore e.g. when she says:

3.4% of married women reported a case of domestic abuse over the past year. The proportion of men? 3.4%.

Married men and women were also equally likely to be victims of non-sexual family abuse, while for partner abuse and stalking, a greater proportion of men were victims than women.

But you then have to take into account two things:

The first was this report was published on 7 May 2013 - that’s a full year before Elliot Rodger’s killing spree in Isla Vista (23 May 2014), nearly a year and half before Mundane Matt’s blog on the ‘Zoe post’ (18 August 2014) which pretty much signals the start of GamerGate.

Look at how The Guardian reported (and may still report) on both of those affairs and you will soon see that your optimism is short-lived.

The second is that you should ideally look at the comments under that original article as they make for incredibly depressing reading. Examples:

‘Hyosho’ says:

You do realise that a significant number of those domestic abuse allegations are counter-claims by men accused of beating their partners, right? That they will have been advised to bring those claims in order to muddy the waters and create the appearance of an exchange of violence rather than one-way abuse?

‘Jonana' says:

who is perpetuating this "anti-male bias"? It's hardly women who are in charge of the justice system … Feminism is very, very aware that Patriarchy Hurts Men Too … accurate figures [on domestic violence] are very hard to come by, and the two women a week killed by a current or ex partner suggest that women are still more likely to pay the ultimate price.

'pickwick' says:

Most of these are reasonable enough points, sure. (And mostly cases of Patriarchy Hurts Men Too, which feminists have been saying for decades.)

But who has the power to change things? Men, mostly. And yet who are you saying have "failed" if they don't change things? Women.

/r/MensRights Thread