Six urgent questions TikTok’s CEO needs to answer for US lawmakers. Stakes are high for the app’s US future with the administration pushing for Chinese owners to sell their shares in the firm.

This ought to be really interesting to see how authentic the testimony plays out, and how the US congress plays their role after.

Code can become insanely complex and hard to analyze, and tricks people never imagined can be invented. A few lines could easily pull in another code base without even people knowing about it, and send data who knows where. Vice Versa Tik Tok back and forth lol no pun meant. Making guarantees about what's probably a huge amount of stuff to digest internally at TikTok, seems near impossible to me.

The CEO may not even know the reality here, so he could come off as very believable. I want to believe they're doing right, I mean, eye roll at this espionage stuff.

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