This is a sixteen-year-old German soldier, Hans-Georg Henke, cries being captured by the US 9th Army in Germany on April 3, 1945. His father died in 1938 and his mother in 1944. He was crying from combat shock, having been mixed in with a regular infantry unit that had been overrun by the US.

So were the Nazi's.

My point is that this entire thread is about how evil the Russians are, and that nobody dares to speak up against the fact that the Russians sacrificed a lot in the war, and all they get is "look a this poor innocent GERMAN child soldier getting captured by the EVIL russians".

This 16 year old "innocent poor crying little boy" probably killed a lot of innocent people.

But he got to live, and didn't exactly brag about it, or tell the entire truth.

But sure, "thE EvIl RuSsIaNs mAdE tHe PoOr BoY CrY".

Fuck that, everybody in the war made up their own version of the truth. And whether he signed up for the Hitler Jugend himself, or he was forced, I don't know.

Do you?

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