SJW triggered by blogger posting about fitness. Blogger tries to stay polite but eventually tells SJW to fuck off.

The fit one focuses on her endorphin high and self admiration, parading her skinny shrink-wrapped ass outdoors, in her immodest yoga pants, showing every detail of her private anatomy, and the other woman, the plump one, one is also self-focused. She is another kind of narcissist too.

Neither is married. Neither has children. That's the important part, not their body size or their diets. They are both self-concerned, self-focused narcissists so who cares about the other stuff. They are both alone.

I can't tell the difference between them. There is none.

Sure people should take care of themselves and be in some kind of reasonable trim. But being a little chunky around the slats is no crime.

The plump woman could change her attitude, trim down to just chunky, learn to laugh and be goodnatured, and marry some chunky man with a beer belly and laugh through life hugging each other. They might have to have a carpenter friend make a really strong bed but so what. Kids, kids, kids. Yes, it's better to not be too fat for pregnancy. But it gets done.

The other one is not as good a bet. She is very, very in love with her self-sufficient, fit self and doesn't need anybody. Her endorphins are enough for her.

The fat one is the better bet, fellas.

Oh those bony asses running by. It's enough to make you turn your head away in unhappiness. And they think they are so great.

So I offer you that, fat girl. You are the better of the two. Now get some good medical advice and take care of yourself. But without talking or fretting about it. You are forbidden to talk about it.

Immediately fix your attitude, your teeth, your hair and your makeup, do you hear? In two years I want to hear about a wedding.


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