Why the SJWs worship the LW's the way they do? A Theory.

I very much agree with you. I think it's relevant to point out that the SJW "movement" is characterized almost entirely by the things that it is opposed to rather than things that it is for. E.g., it's against harassment, it's against sexism, it's against toxic gamer culture, etc.

Gamergate, in contrast, is more obviously characterized (by people who know what they're talking about) by things that it is for (tougher ethical journalism standards, investigation into specific incidences of widely-observable collusion and corruption, an increase in professionalism from the industry)—and this is true of most successful movements, historically. To invoke Godwin's Law, even the ideology preached by Hitler in the early days of the Third Reich is better characterized by things things it was for (remilitarization, ultranationalism, racial dominance etc.). I would imagine this is because material goals are more unifying than vague fearmongering, hence the square quotes around SJW "movement".

So to your excellent point, when we see them cheer on obvious frauds and bizarre attention-seekers taking pot-shots on the internet and when we read their retarded articles praising people who no sane person would take seriously, I think you're right—it's because they're satisfied with just knowing that the good fight is being fought and that awareness is being raised. "Go Anita, she got on Colbert dammit!" Nevermind that she made a complete ass of herself and was widely mocked by people concerned with these events. The anti-gamer crowd has no serious movement that I can observe (anti-gamers, specifically—I know the folks at TIA probably think we're living in the SJW apocalypse and I'm tempted to concede them this ground with the absurd university shenanigans of the last few years) because all they're concerned with is making damned sure people are aware of their political concerns and with paying lip-service to inclusivity and tolerance. I could probably ramble absurdly about the hypothetical sociology involved in these people's worldviews but I'll cut it short.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread