[Skeptic Discussion] Believers and Skeptics Are at a Stalemate

First off realize that this sub has been viciously trolled for a long time. In fact the period you are witnessing is one of relative peace. Hence the term for these people- "naysayers". They obviously enjoy directing condescending abuse towards believers and especially downvoting legitimate MEs. Many a good user has been chased away from this sub.

Second, and this is equally important to realize- for one who experiences enough MEs and has done sufficient research there is nothing to discuss with a skeptic. The only worthwhile discussions occur with believers. This is because the level of rationalization and depth of reason most skeptics bring to the table is shallow indeed, and often times only serves to annoy an ME experiencer. Often times what a naysayer may believe to be plausible arguments comes off as nothing more than rote social programming and plausible deniability to an experiencer.

Third, realize that ME experiencers don't have an agenda to convert skeptics, and there is nothing to discuss. What would be gained by wasting ones time with a person who hasn't experienced the effect let alone believe in it? What you call a stalemate is actually just plain arguing, like putting Hillary supporters and Trump supporters in the same room. Of course the Hillary supporters will only lie and attack without ever listening to reason, because they don't know anything outside their mani stream media brainwashing. Same with naysayers.

So It's not that these two groups need to unite together or anything; the skeptics and naysayers just have to humble themselves and realize they have no say in such a matter until and unless they have sufficient personal experience.

/r/MandelaEffect Thread