Is the skill gap too large in Fortnite?

The only people complaining the skill gap is too small are pros, streamers, and the overwhelming amount of 14 year olds playing. I started playing during season 1 on console and had clinched about 30 solo wins by the end of season 3. I was logging a decent amount of hours and having a blast doing so. Throughout seasons 4 and 5 I could take periodic breaks and still come back w 5-6 kill games and occasional wins. I’ve won about 60 solos and 200+ matches in my career but recently, fortnite has been kicking my ass. Solos have become damn near impossible. Just getting the weekly challenges done can be brutal for a casual player. I can’t run away fast enough from some of these kids in my lobbies. With vehicles, zip lines, balloons, gliders, rapid building/editing I just can’t keep up. I wish they kept LTMs like barebones and ground game around for those who preferred the older play style of fortnite. Miss the hell outta seasons 1-3.

Also what are some of these skins nowadays?? If I wanted to be a night elf or werewolf I’d play World of Warcraft. I know they’re catering to an increasingly younger audience but damn. Less is more.

Elite agent the GOAT

/r/FortNiteBR Thread