Skip the AA meetings ladies, just try children!

Women who became mothers later in life were more likely to live longer than those who gave birth in in their teens and 20s

Women who only give birth to boys have a shorter life expectancy and run a higher risk of becoming ill compared with mothers of daughters, or both sons and daughter

the more children a woman gave birth to, the faster she aged

In most species, increased reproduction is linked to decreased lifespan.

"marriage benefits"—the increases in health, wealth, and happiness that are often associated with the status—go disproportionately to men. Married men are better off than single men. Married women, on the other hand, are not better off than unmarried women.

The research is telling women something. Men of any form are detrimental to women's health. Reproduction is detrimental to women's health. Women if you want to take the risks then you are free to do so, but don't let anyone pressure you into marriage or children you don't want with all your heart.

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