Skrillex teams up with members of the Doors to make a dubstep song, and they can't even fake a positive reaction to the song (their reaction is at 2:30).

dude the doors music is completely different in meter, tempo, practical instruments vs a guy that is super popular within his niche who basically produces a variation of electronica.

Dubstep has its following vs the Doors being nearly universally respected across time and genres.

The true cringe here, imo, is Skrillex approaching them with his sound and input vs taking their contribution and playing with it.

Nothing he showed them sounded like any part of their music, it sounded entirely like his.

Nobody meshed well here as you see obvious fan boy crush (I mean it’s the doors after all) and an established band with likely zero knowledge of this new contributor who were likely convinced to enter into this partnership by a PR or marketing entity.

Hopefully skrillex will learn that he should flatter the hell out of these guys to get their buy in.

Look, respect to the guy, but I heavily doubt he ever gets to receive constructive feedback and is likely kept in an echo chamber of yes-men. I mean, in my understanding, he is a trend setter in his genre.

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