SKT Peanut: "After the finals, Smeb came and happily greeted me, and I want to tell him how unbelievably thankful I am."

Hahaha, I am amazed that anyone actually found the time to follow all the comments. I think the reason I objected is that I always thought and think Smeb's best friend is Reignover, based on the photo /u/supdebs she mentioned, and the Legions Rising videos by Riot, and the fact that Reignover go and see Smeb in the LCK finals (supposedly Smeb buying his ticket).

So when she said Kuro, with the proof she has given, I think I can come up with an equal set of proofs to show that I think Reignover is his best friend instead. And Riot and the media seem to like to promote that Peanut is Smeb's best friend. I think my point is none of us can know for sure. So I have an objection of her backing up her argument of Kuro and Smeb's relationship are as close as ever because they are best friends.

As for the proofs of Smeb being the reason for the ROX break-up, nothing is concrete, there are only "clues" but quite a lot of them that I don't blame anyone for thinking Smeb is the reason. But based on the current evidence, there is no 100 per cent saying it is Smeb's fault. Personally, I think the members are on good terms ever since January, so if the parties involved don't mind it, fans should also just turn over the leaf.

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