Sky discusses his recent video with a female streamer. [47:23]

I've heard the whole broadcast where you and TB and friends were having arguments about the matter. First of all, I commend you for sticking through your point but still being open-minded to the other side of the spectrum. Second, I absolutely ADORE how you handled that conversation with Destiny(or whatever his name is). He basically weaved in insults to you and Siv HD(who I also would like to commend) but you handled it as best as you can. Especially when he called you guys "motherfuckers", that was TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR. I know he was just into it too much, but that didn't give him the right. He had no right for that.

I dunno if you're gonna do the follow-up video, but I would just like to tell you that you were totally in the right to make that video. Why? Because that video wasn't meant to be an order or trying to impose a regulation or some shit, you were stating your opinion, right? What gives them the right to tell you "Yo, how's that fucking different from you using your schtick to gain viewers blablabla" when that isn't supposed to be in the equation?

You, in that video, just stated your opinion on the matter WITHOUT asking for any action or advocacy. I don't understand why they got so defensive of an opinion that doesn't even call for an action of any sort. Probably a wake-up call, but did they think you wanted the affected girl streamers to stop what they're doing? I think not. At least that's how I understood it.

Also, Kaceytron. Ohhh Kacey. I like that you respect her, but in my opinion she is NOT the genius that you think she is. Especially based from her responses on that conversation, I specifically remember you asking her if there's nothing wrong with what those camgirl(pardon my term) streams and she told you "No.". I felt like deep inside, she also likes the attention she's receiving from those horny teenagers and any other people watching her stream.

Just my 2 cents.

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