Sky news panic after showing of Charlie Hebdo cover

I think this would be okay if there were actual reasons like, we understand your freedoms but we feel that your cartoons are more offensive than they are beneficial to any cause. Obviously no one has the right to kill someone over a picture but you can't say being aimlessly crude is beneficial just like saying fat people are healthy also doesn't work. The values and intentions are there but the execution is off. Maybe if their comic actually touched on the absurdest culture in ways that could help improve instead of scorn I would be more upset. We need to all be mature human beings and give definitive answers on why we hold are beliefs instead of just painting things in black and white. Those 14 people didn't deserve to die but what was gained from those comics other than exercising free speak. It is our job to not abuse our rights and just because someone does something bad doesn't mean we are right. Maybe if we could actually look at ourselves we would realize that Modern extremist islam was created in direct opposition to western culture.

The man that created the modern movement, Sayyid Qutb look him up or watch Adam Curtis's Power of Nightmare, lived in America and developed his scorn for our ways while living with us. This isn't something that started in the middle east. When we started to move into the middle east during the cold war we also brought our econmic values and this is when radical islam started. You can directly trace his influences and mentorship to the men that influenced Osama bin Laden. Obviously they originally responded with contempt and anger but we have only ignored them and treated them worse over the last half century. We refuse to acknowledge that maybe our society has it's own corrupting factor and the extremist natures and violence that have existed in the middle east for this last half century have not done much towards establishing an environment where healthy people can grow. Instead we see leaders being replaced by equally insane people who promise to be loyal to us and it back fires spreading more violence. Now that ship is so far down seas I don't even know how it will be fixed but the first step in anything is understanding what is actually being opposed. There is a reason 9/11 was an attack on a financial center and a military base. It wasn't right but how often is that talked about. No one is perfect, there is no absolute good or evil, but there is a healthy environment to live in that produce stable emotionally mature people and neither the middle east or america are those places anymore.

Satire is meant to mock and turn a mirror on society. That only works if you are appealing to the target demographic though, making cartoons for other people and saying you are a satirist is construing the idea. Yes we should be able to post what we want but are you actually trying to inspire change or just making fun of people that don't read your stuff anyways.

TL:DR Its satire when you can laugh with, it's not when you are laughing at

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