Skyrim Mod Picker [Progress Report 5]

If these whiny, outspoken mod authors want respect they should respect the opinions of the users of their mods.

If whiny, outspoken mod users want mod authors to respect their opinons, they need to show the authors respect.

We all owe one another respect, right? I hope we can agree on that. I've never encountered a single rude, disrespectful, impatient mod author. To the contrary, every single one I've interacted with has bent over backwards to be helpful, friendly and respectful.

With that in mind, do you have any idea how dismissive and hostile your comments in this thread are? Your opinions might be reasonable and worth hearing if you delivered them with less hostility, but you deliver them aggressively and derisively and lard them with with accusations and insults. I don't know who you're trying to reach, but I guarantee that you're alienating not just mod authors but any sensible, mature person who reads your posts.

And do you really, truly not understand why /u/Nazenn asked you to be civil and respectful? Let met spell it out for you:

Your comment claimed /u/shezrie88 doesn't want any reviews that don't say "this mod is glorious." That's a baseless accusation. Show me where in her post she either says that or implies it or where her reasoning suggests it.

You also say she doesn't want to lose her "ability to lord over mod users." What ability? What power do you think she has? And what has she done or said that makes you think she's drunk on power or jealously guarding it? If you feel as though mod authors have 'power' over mod users, you live in a universe very different from the one I live in.

So you're accusing /u/shezrie88 of trying to silence criticism and of being power hungry and eager to oppress mod users. And then, when u/Nazenn asks you to tone it down and keep it respectful, you ask what in your comment was so disrespectful. The lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling.

If I were a mod author, I'd do my best to ignore someone like you. If I had to deal with dozens or hundreds or thousands of people like you, day in and day out, I wouldn't be able to put up with it. /u/shezrie88's post suggests a few measures Mod Pick could take to limit certain kinds of abuse. Your behavior proves that Mod Picker should her suggestions seriously.

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