Slavoj Žižek thinks political correctness is exactly what perpetuates prejudice and racism

has inculcated

the problem with this is that all societies necessarily promote their own narrative simply out of self-preservation. i'm not saying those narratives are always right, but you're making it seem as if 'PC' is the first thing to come along and do this, when in reality any time you get about 10+ humans together, there will be evident social hierarchies, and there will be dominant narratives about decisions made that will be supported and reinforced by the group.

this is simply human nature, not some external force that has inculcated us all. on the flip side, it's also human nature to call bullshit on all narratives at some point, break narratives down, and create new narratives.

if the PC barrier were truly impenetrable, we wouldn't be having conversations like this constantly as a culture. most of us would be shaking our heads and simply reasserting the dominant narrative. the fact that that is not happening in america shows how dynamic, open, and self critical our society is. i agree with zizek to a point but i really think he's both overreacting and overstating his case.

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