Sleeping in?

I had an 8am class five days a week this past semester. At first, I was getting up shortly before I'd have to leave, go to class, then return to bed. I had purchased a book, but had no time to read it. One day, I decided I would make time in the mornings before class. I was now getting up to take advantage of that free time, instead of getting up solely to attend a class I did not enjoy.

When I started doing this, days felt longer (in a good way), and class felt shorter. I was getting 6-8 hours of sleep instead of 4 or 12. Also, just try to get away from your bed if you find yourself napping frequently. I lived in a studio, so sometimes I'd take a walk or drive.

Writing this makes me feel hypocritical. I'm not in school anymore, but I've succumbing to my old bad habits. I work at noon tomorrow and had full intentions of sleeping until 10:30. I'm going to change that.

/r/depression_help Thread