Slide about blockchains...

Block chain delivers trustlessness at very high operational cost compared to other solutions.

For who?

This is patently false. Yes, it is expensive to develop your own block chain, but you shouldn't be developing your own block chain unless your are intending to use it as a product for other businesses to use.

Block Chain is still young in its devlopment, but it is going to be an absolute game changer. Block chain fundamentally shifts the economic paradigm on trust. Trust, if you are unaware, is the single biggest variable to non-optimized economic models in all of economics. Nearly everything today is sub-optimized because trust parties cannot trust each other, block chain changes a lot of that. Modern game theory is almost entirely based on economic players being unable to trust each other. Block chain fundamentally changes that, smart contracts further enable enforcement and integration will revolutionize existing processes.

Block chain is a bigger economic game changer than the internet. The internet made us faster, block chain will make us more transparent, transparency will create unprecedented gains in efficiency, throughput and automation. Strap machine learning to block chain (which enforces data standards also, btw, across entire verticals and horizontals) and you have the recipe for a smart economy. Digital ID, digitized assets.. Do you realize money and liquidity is made because banks are able to commoditize mortgage loans into securities, it is hard to fathom what that will even mean when any type of asset can be digitized and commoditized, we are talking economic activity on a level that can hardly be imagined today.

Block chain is going to change commerce, transactions, data management, supply chain management, value transfer and fundamentally, transparency as a whole. To say otherwise, is to illustrate a lack of understanding of what's actually occurring economically and technologically.

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