Small details i noticed. Kh3 has thigh jiggle physics.

Here’s word for word the cutscene where Zexion died in the original GBA version of Chain of Memories: Zexion: What, what IS he?! No one’s ever worn the darkness the way he does. It’s Not POSSIBLE! Zexion: Waaah! Riku?! Zexion: Oh… Oh, yes, of course. Vexen’s replica. Good thinking. We can use this Riku to defeat the real one. Axel? Axel: Say, Riku. It must be hard now that you know you’re not real. I bet you’d LIKE to be real. Repliku: Yeah. Axel: Well, you can. All you need is strength that the real Riku doesn’t have. Get that, and you can be a new person, your OWN person. Not Riku, not anybody else. You won’t be somebody else’s copy. You’ll be you. Zexion: Axel! What are you telling him?! Axel: You know, I bet he’s a good a place to start as any. Zexion: Have you lost your mind?! Axel: Sorry, Zexy. Saving you doesn’t seem half as entertaining as observing Sora and Riku.

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