small IDF I just finished.

Show me a single comment were I defended this post or any post here with people in it.

You'll find a relentless catalog of them here.

How old are you?

Older than you appear to imagine

"Get out". Like it's a fucking sandbox.

"get out" as a thing on the internet is nearly a decade old, and for not having known that or even checked I must, again, beg you: Get out.

Tell me more about how you've never made a typo.

A typo? You literally missed an entire fucking word. You missed a whole fucking word and fucked up another so badly it transformed from "images" to "imagines". You were just too goddamned excited to p-p-p-p-post and you could not even fucking slightly look over your Good Work before submitting because the image in my mind of you being a slobbering fucking moron is closer to reality than you're even remotely comfortable with.

Hahahaha. You're literally saying "only reply by the rules I'm setting."

No, I'm not. The validity of a thing is not reliant on the validity of the thing that precedes it. If you disagree on this point then I'm sorry, we've hit another brick wall where you're Just Wrong and nothing will help you.

When did we stop talking about comments on reddit?

We didn't, but I'm not surprised that you've forgotten. You are, of course, a barely coherent ur-beast.

But what does that have to do with stereotyping women?

It doesn't, but what does stereotyping women have to do with /r/cableporn? Nothing? Nothing. It's definitely nothing. And what about that image? Is it accurate? It is? There's no male selfies in the Top 100 of this subreddit? Weird. Can't really get on a soapbox about a stereotype about selifies in the comment thread of the only fucking selfies on the sub, can you?. Get out.

"We're circlejerking here and you don't belong because you broke the jerk."

We're circlejerking about cables here and you don't belong because you're not posting about cables. You're sitting here desperately p-p-p-p-posting on a fucking shitpost selfie desperately defending the fucking shitpost selfie and there's nothing respectable about anywhere you stand on this issue and I'm done and in the morning I hope the mods ban selfies and you because you're not worth anyone's time.

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