Small Irish town (300) set to be sent 115 asylum seekers, despite 93% voting against.

Well the mods of this once-great sub purge all thoughts on this matter so there's certain words that I can only allude to.

There was a certain demographic that was vastly over-represented in the early politburos of Russia. (It makes finance and Hollywood seem 'balanced' by comparison)

Stalin happened to not be a member of this group -did marry into it - but he was, coincidentally, also not an ethnic Russian. The true number of people those goons killed and forcefully displaced of ethnic Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and who knows what else will never be discovered definitively (and interestingly enough I see no movies or books being written about that genocide - makes one think)

Why this detour? Well Churchill loved Stalin. There are reports of how he wined and dined with Stalin for hours and hours into the night well past the end-time of their meetings. You also mentioned that word which I can't mention (since you'll likely be banned for using it soon) - well in England at the time and to some extent today it is expected for Lords, of which Churchill was one, to serve in the Army. Well young Churchill was having trouble coming up with the money for his uniform in his youth and the person who paid for it was none other than a member of the - word that starts with R, ends with D - family. The mere hint that Churchill was some sort of 'Hitler-level' antisemite is just mindbogglingly hilarious.

You seem to hint Hitler and him were sort of ideological fellow travelers - then why did England make that guarantee on Poland - and later honor it - when they knew for a fact this would eventually lead to a war of catastrophic proportions, a war that H repeatedly said he did not have any desire for. He could have significantly crippled the English at Dunkirk and either failed or did not attempt to do so - the true answer is one we will never find out like many things about that period.

England was a client state then, and it is a client state now - and although history will not remember him well, Chamberlain was far worse than Churchill at being a vassal of the internationalists.

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