Small things can go a long way

Lost my dad to immigration during 6th grade, lost my mum couple days before my 17th birthday. Shit sometimes hard.

A lot of people thought my mom’s death meant nothing to me since I went to school (Happened during July, school starts August) pretty soon after. I remember I kept reassuring some classmates I was fine because they kept acting awkward with me. Heard my teachers talking to each other during break on how they expect me to break down.

I felt like there was no one I could actually cry to. So I would bottle up during school hours and break down at home. I really wanted to die.

Luckily I have a dog who I genuinely think is saving my life.

So please, if you find out someone lost someone dear to them, the smallest kind gesture can go really far even if you don’t think so. Anything really helps.

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