SMITE Xbox One Patch Overview - The Reborn Prince (Now live on YT)

I just want tech fixes. I love Hi Rez and all the new content we get each month, but Xbox Smite has been suffering a good bit since the Chiron patch and has suffered previously after the Khepri patch. I know patching for Xbox and the cert process is a pain in the ass, but I honestly can't believe we've had to endure a whole month of framerate drops and stuttering without a fix. It was really bad after the Chiron patch and although it has been alleviated somewhat, it still occurs and it still interferes with gameplay.

But I'm not going to sit here and act like Hi Rez is just lazy or apathetic. That is clearly not the case. I'm sure if Hi Rez could reasonably and feasibly issue hot fixes between monthly patches to fix gamebreaking issues, they would. That said, it does need to start happening when issues like what we've seen post-Khepri and post-Chiron start popping up. Those issues can make the game unplayable to some extent -- especially Conquest -- and waiting an entire month to fix issues that drastically affect the core of the game is unacceptable. When the game is that broken, technical hotfixes should immediately take top priority ahead of the monthly patch cycle, even if it means pushing back the next patch. I can tolerate a delayed monthly content patch if it means we'll get tech fixes and a functional game sooner rather than later.

And I know you folks at Hi Rez are working hard. I know you guys are human with lives outside of Smite and your jobs. I get it. I know you guys are probably behind the barrel frequently, pressed for time to get stuff done. I know patching for Xbox is a pain in the ass and is almost the sole reason you can't patch and issue hotfixes whenever you so desire. And I know the cert process on Xbox means issuing any sort of hotfix means delaying the next content patch. I know software and coding are unpredictable beasts that bow to no man. I know that all the QA in the world can be done in preparing a patch, only for some glitch, bug or gamebreaking issue to come out of absolutely nowhere as soon as the patch goes live. However, as someone who has been playing since closed beta in early May and as someone who has 10 friends who have been playing since open beta in July, I feel as though a significant portion of the Xbox Smite community -- if not the majority -- would be totally fine with delaying content patches if it means getting technical fixes in a hotfix patch in those unfortunate situations where a patch breaks some aspect of the game.

I love this game and Hi Rez is absolutely one of my favorite developers in the industry. You guys are awesome and should keep doing what you're doing exactly how you're doing it. You guys are great with the community and with communication. There is something genuine about how you interact with your players, and I love it. Smite uses a very consumer-friendly business model. You guys earn every dollar you receive and deserve all the praise in the world.

But please, if in the future a patch unexpectedly breaks the game to a significant degree, please, please, please be quicker and more timely with a fix. I won't pretend to know the in's and out's of this stuff or the technical or business limitations. I don't know any of that. I'm no programmer or game designer. But if it is at all possible -- even at the cost of content patch delays -- please push out hotfixes sooner.

/r/Smite Thread Link -