Smoked with our Uber driver and he missed our destination

I used to feel like this. But then I took Behind the Wheel getting my license (I was way behind, and all my friends were driving, and drove high a lot perfectly fine) and it's a week of driving, an hour or so a day, and on the last day you get your license. Well I got high on the last day, thinking it was nbd because I did like, everything high at that point (except drive). I didn't even realize how high I was until I was driving.

I approached a school bus on the opposite side of the road that had its stop sign out. I stupidly was all like "oh well I'm not behind the stop sign, I don't have to stop!* and so I didn't; the instructor noticed I wasn't slowing down and he's like "Why aren't you stopping? Stop! STOP STOP FUCKING STOPPPP" like screaming at me and freaking the fuck out and slapping my leg which caused me to panic and freeze up but he pulled on the emergency break and I finally like, woke up and braked, stopped, and as I pulled off the dude was like "pull over. There. Now," furiously signed my DMV papers, and was like "HERE is your license."

Everyone is different but you're still definitely impaired when you're high, and it can seriously fuck up your reaction time when you might need to respond to a serious situation to avoid a collision

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