The smurfing problem has really gotten out of hand

Yeah, people complain about facing better players, but do nothing about it. Watch replays, mimic what they do, but most importantly UNDERSTAND why they do it! Don't be ashamed on adding the smurf, to ask him about why he did something you don't understand, they could kindly answer back. ;)

I'm guilty of smurfing, on the purpose or learning new heroes reserving a specific role, so skill wise, we're even. But if im dropping a lot of mmr, I would go on a main hero to recover. People have msg'ed me lots of time to ask me how I triple stack as Tinker or why I went a specific hero. If people are curious enough or are willing to learn, I know for a fact that I'm not the only one answering back.

Watch, learn, mimic, practice, repeat.

/r/DotA2 Thread Parent