Smut Centre (Very NSFW) (Some NSFL)

Torric visits Roose and Edd (By Roose)

Torric entered the cell with a whip in his right hand, and some rope in his left. “Harold has defied me, and since I have you here, I think I will punish you in his stead.”

Torric overpowered Roose, and tied him to the prison bars. He began to whip Edderion, whom he had stripped, and screams and laughter ringed in Roose’s ears. Roose closed his eyes, and the screaming stopped, replaced by sobs, and then some hurried whispering. Roose felt something tugging at his breeches.

Roose opened his eyes, and looked down. It was Edderion. Roose’s jaw dropped as Edderion pulled down his breeches and smallclothes. “No-no” Roose said, looking up, and Torric was grinning. “I’ll do anything you want, but n-not this!”

Torric was still grinning as he said “You could have the other hole.” Roose groaned as he realised what he had said, and what he had caused. Torric maneuvered Edderion so that Roose’s cock was right next to his entrance, before shoving him backwards, yielding a yelp of surprise and another scream of pain. Blood oozed from Edderion’s love hole onto Roose’s cock.

Torric whipped out his own cock, and placed it where Roose’s had been moments ago. “Doesn’t it feel good to be using your own brother as a whore, Roose? All his orifices filled.” Torric was moving Edd back and forth on both Roose’s and his own cock, and soon both men had spilled their seed in the third. Roose had managed to loosen the rope, and shoved his brother into the kraken.

Roose leapt away, and flipped a surprised Torric, before ramming straight into his open love hole. Torric yelped as Roose’s massive cock entered him, and his struggle to get free aroused both men even more. Torric spilt his seed all over the floor and his own chest, while Roose’s was in the kraken’s ass. “Payback.” Roose said, before whipping Torric across his ass, which was oozing blood and seed.

/r/itrplolz Thread