Snail watching a car drift

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Size | Title | Age | Karma | Comnts | Subreddit :--|:--|:--|:--|:-- = | Snail watching a car drift | 3dys | 128 | 8 | aww +227% | Look at them go | 1mo | 13057 | 142 | funny +232% | Snailed it | 5mos | 2463 | 45 | PraiseTheCameraMan +232% | Snailed it | 5mos | 349 | 14 | interestingasfuck +232% | Current mood | 5mos | 384 | 12 | trees +232% | Snailed it | 5mos | 70982 | 805 | gifs -35% | snail wondering if who could ever compete in the races too ..... | 5mos | 44250 | 535 | youseeingthisshit +225% | Turbo after retirement thinking about the good old days. | 5mos | 10775 | 97 | funny

Source: karmadecay

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