Snowflake event

Getting a Santa's Joke Gift instead of a Super Container is a pretty hefty nerf. How is that not bigger news? Or is everyone waiting another week or two, to have the discussion hit, right before the event begins?

To clarify what I'm talking about:

Supercontainer (italics) versus (Santa's Gift Container (bold))

SC: 100x standard signals; (SG: 50x one of four standard signals)

SC: 50x camouflages; (SG: 4x one of two camouflages)

SC: 25x, 50x, or 100x special signals; (SG: not included at all)

SC: 1,000, 2,500, or 5,000 Doubloons Doubloons; (SG: 300 Dubloons)

SC: 50,000 or 100,000 Free XP Free XP; (SG: 10,000 FXP)

SC: 7, 14, or 30 days Premium account Premium time; (SG: 30 days Premium)

SC: 15,000 Coal; (SG: Santa: 2,500 Coal)

SC: 1,500 Steel Steel; (SG: not included at all)

SC: A premium ship, with a 10 point commander and a port slot (SG: same)

So, compared to supercontainers (which you got in 2019 for the first win with a tier X ship) the Santa's Gift containers (assuming they are the same as they were 2019) lose special flags and steel completely, and greatly reduce the available camos, coal, FXP, dubloons and even standard signals.

Don't mean to be ungrateful or anything, it's still free stuff, but that is quite a bit less than last year.

/r/WorldOfWarships Thread