Social facts-Durkheim... what if I...

With that understanding, this is what I got. Would this display correct understanding?

Because of the highly elegant and ornate nature of the classical-music concert, I felt compelled to dress and behave in ways I normally would not in my daily life. This is due to the “social fact” that attendees are to self-conduct in a certain fashion based on the participated stratum of the social life. Durkheim (1995) refers to “social facts” as “the modes of human conduct which are enforced upon the individual member of a group in virtue of that membership” (33). Essentially, social facts are coercive and are external to the individual; they hold a moral authority over him/her. Moreover, Durkheim (1995) adds that “men [typically] accept the obligation as legitimate” (33). Consequently, I dressed formally (suit and tie), spoke articulately, and behaved in a more conservative and disciplined manner, all to fulfill this rite of passage of a highly formal event.

Expectedly, everyone was homogeneous in terms of clothing-fashion and mannerism, creating a sturdy sense of solidarity. Therefore, if I were to have deviated from these rules of etiquette, I would have felt like a social outcast which is inherently a punishment for violating the “collective consciousness.”

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